Psychic Insights for the Modern World : Dreams and Spiritual Insights


Soul Care Intensive: Spiritual medium James Van Praagh shares profound insights on various spiritual topics and listeners' questions. He emphasizes the importance of connecting with one's inner self and the spirit world, suggesting a spiritual meditation course for spiritual development. James delves into the significance of dreams as a bridge to the spirit world, explaining different types of spirit communication dreams and the importance of keeping a dream journal. He addresses audience inquiries on topics ranging from past lives to dreams and spirit guides. James also reflects on the current state of the world, expressing concerns about hidden information and the thinning veil between dimensions, highlighting the importance of grounding oneself and independent thinking. The episode concludes with a message of spiritual growth and self-awareness in uncertain times, leaving the listeners with a sense of profound guidance and understanding.

From Straw Hut Media
Psychic Insights for the Modern World
Intuition. Psychic ability. You know you have it, but do you know how to access it? Internationally renowned medium James Van Praagh has a brand new podcast to help you do just that. "Psychic Insights for the Modern World" is a place where any listener, familiar or unfamiliar, can discover their soul's true voice and learn to use important spiritual tools to navigate the currents of this earth and overcome feelings of anxiety and loneliness. Besides his numerous New York Times bestselling books, a nationally syndicated television show, and the success of The Ghost Whisperer, James has also appeared on Oprah, Ellen, Larry King Live, The View, and Chelsea Lately (among many others). Most recently, he launched The James Van Praagh School of Mystical Arts, an online school offering audio and video courses, professional certifications and more. Check out his blog, follow him on social media, and make sure you subscribe to his podcast for insights and messages from the spirit realm. A weekly podcast from Straw Hut Media.