Soul & Science : #37: Sam’s Club CMMO Ciara Anfield | Have the Audacity


Ciara Anfield’s Harvard MBA education led her into marketing roles at big companies like JP Morgan Chase and Johnson & Johnson. Now in her 15th year at Sam’s Club, Ciara serves as the Chief Member and Marketing Officer for Sam’s Club where she oversees a broad portfolio of responsibilities that collectively make up Sam’s Club’s end-to-end member strategy.

In this episode you’ll learn:
  • It may sound simple, but by putting the customer first, you can accelerate every other part of your business. Connect in new and interesting ways and meet your customers where they are.
  • Carve out the time to be strategic and methodical in your thinking. It’s all too easy to let the urgency of a big project move you forward without deeper reflection.
  • Have the audacity. Take risks. Be bold. Marketing is one of the few places in a business where risks are welcome. After all, you’d rather have your marketing team take risks than your finance team.
Brought to you by Mekanism.
Soul & Science
Does marketing live in the heart, or in the head? Should you trust your instinct, or your integers? If the answer is both, should you lead with one more than the other? As a creative agency, Mekanism has been asking these questions of ourselves and our clients for over 10 years. Join co-founder and CEO of award-winning creative agency Mekanism, Jason Harris, on his quest to answer these questions with the world’s leading marketers from the brands we’ve all come to love. Named CEO of the Year by The Drum Magazine, Jason will draw from his experience during these easily digestible 20-minute episodes to explore the Soul of these famous brands and the Science of staying relevant, exploring how they’ve become culture defining emblems in our modern world.
Brought to you by Mekanism