The Psychedelic Report : Psychedelic investment with Vine Ventures.


Can investing in psychedelics pave the way for a more conscious and compassionate approach to mental health and wellness? Dr. David Rabin engages in an illuminating conversation with Ozan Polat and Ryan Zurrer, a trailblazing venture capitalist redefining investment paradigms in the psychedelic space. Ryan introduces the concept of regenerative financing, sharing an innovative hybrid model that combines equity and debt for organizations like MAPS, fostering conscious health and sustainable investments. This episode delves into the balance between impact and profit, emphasizing the importance of cultural respect and responsible capital deployment. The trio dig into the imperative of respectful engagement with indigenous traditions and knowledge, highlighting the need for sustainable and non-extractive collaboration, the promising trajectory of psychedelic therapies, their increasing accessibility, and the potential to revolutionize mental health. Excitement resonates as they envision a future where acceptance of these therapies is widespread, even among generations who have been skeptical. Gratitude permeates as they reflect on the significance of building awareness and a strong scientific foundation for this transformative industry.
The Psychedelic Report
Dr. Dave Rabin MD, PhD, a psychiatrist and neuroscientist trained in Ketamine and MDMA-assisted therapy, brings you the newest developments from the world of psychedelic science and technology. From researchers and investors to physicians and shamans to nonprofit pioneers and policy-makers — each week, Dr. Dave brings you the latest news and answers your questions to share perspectives from the front lines of this exciting movement.