The Psychedelic Report : The Science Behind Mindfulness


Join us for a thoughtful conversation between expert panelists in the fields of psychology, neuroscience, meditation, and psychedelics, recorded live at Open studio in Venice, California. Led by Apollo Neuro co-founder and Chief Medical Officer Dr. Dave Rabin, MD, PhD, with Manoj Dias, co-founder of Open, and Lauren Swanson, the Director of Patient Care at Wondermed Health, which provides ketamine treatment for anxiety and depression, they discuss where mindful practices like meditation and breathwork, psychedelic medicine, and wearable health overlap and where they differ, and how these practices can be used in tandem for healing and growth.

Learn more about Apollo Neuro here.
Download Open's mindfulness app here.
Discover more about Wondermed here.
The Psychedelic Report
Dr. Dave Rabin MD, PhD, a psychiatrist and neuroscientist trained in Ketamine and MDMA-assisted therapy, brings you the newest developments from the world of psychedelic science and technology. From researchers and investors to physicians and shamans to nonprofit pioneers and policy-makers — each week, Dr. Dave brings you the latest news and answers your questions to share perspectives from the front lines of this exciting movement.