The Sh*ttiest Podcast w/ Poopies : Gabby Lamby


Poopies and Gabby talk about their childhood and high school experiences, pooping outdoors, comedy, and how humbling it can be.

They talk about masturbation and being horny kids and weird shit they see online and at sex shops, and Poopies says he never went on and them gives a shout-out.
They talk about sobriety and share drug stories, mostly shitty ones.

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From Straw Hut Media
The Sh*ttiest Podcast w/ Poopies
This podcast is indescribably sh*tty, but we’ll take a stab at describing it. Riding high on the success of Jackass Forever, Poopies wanted to make a podcast for all of his adoring fans. The only problem is that Poopies is, without a doubt, the worst podcast host in the entire world. Straw Hut Media felt bad for the guy, so we decided to take a risk and create THE SHITTIEST PODCAST. Just like Poopies, this podcast is a little bit all over the place, and each week you can expect a range of topics like chicks, dicks, surfing, Hawaii, stunts, music, skating, comedy, and a whole lot of other shenanigans. So now that you know what you’re getting yourself into, dive on into THE SHITTIEST PODCAST. 
Produced By: Tyler Nielsen & Ryan Tillotson
Written By Frank Driscoll & Tyler Nielsen 
Narrated By Narrator
From Straw Hut Media