Chanel in the City : Episode # 114: KRYSTYNA HUTCHINSON chats Guys We F'cked, Ghosts & Aliens and how to be your authentic self!


Krystna Hutchinson, Star of The Guys We Fckd Podcast, Stand up Comedian and Actress, stops by Chanel in the City Podcast to chat with host, Chanel Omari on all things stand up comedy, Guys We Fcked Podcast and the inspiration behind it, How to be your authentic self when it comes to comedy and podcasting and life.

Krystna chats about her background and how it wasnt always so easy for her to make it in comedy and entertainemnt. She speaks about her obstacles with anxiety and how she copes with mental health today.

For more information please follow @krystnahutchinson @guyswefucked podcast for more!
Chanel in the City
You might know her from a show called Princesses Long Island on Bravo TV or a DJ radio host on 106.1 BLI/iheartradio. Now, Chanel Omari is hitting the biggest city in the world and covering the hottest spots where celebrities are spotted , giving us access to all the hot places to check out, getting real with celebrities on how they overcame obstacles in a major city. 
Chanel Omari is a must listen to podcast! She provides a refreshing experience around the city, creating a community that supports us finding and loving ourselves.